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5 Basic Tips on Plumbing

Here are a few plumbing basics that every homeowner should know:

Know Your Main Plumbing Areas & Water Valve

The main plumbing areas in your home will always be the kitchen and the bathroom. Any plumbing that is hidden inside the walls should always be left to a professional. However, you should always know where your main water valve is in case there is an issue. Turning it off will help minimize any damage caused by a bursted pipe, or something else equally serious, while you wait for a plumber.

Watch What You Flush or Pour Down The Drain

It can’t be emphasized enough: do not pour grease or oil down the kitchen drain, garbage disposal or in the toilet! When cooled down, grease solidifies and blocks up pipes. Paper towels, baby wipes and pretty much anything that isn’t toilet paper will have the same effect if flushed down a toilet.
Pro Tip: avoid liquid drain cleaners! It seems like an easy fix to a clogged drain, but the harsh chemicals can actually cause more damage over time. Instead, try a snake or similar tool to manually pull out whatever is blocking your pipes.

Keep An Eye On Water Pressure

Water pressure that is too high or too low can be a nightmare – so don’t let it sneak up on you. Pick up a simple pressure gauge at a local hardware store and make it your business to regularly check up on the water pressure.
Often, low pressure issues are caused by loose connections which can be easily repaired without assistance. There are plenty of DIY videos out there that can guide you through the process! However, if your water pressure is dangerously high, it’s much safer and more cost-effective to contact a professional.

Protect Your Pipes In The Winter

If you live somewhere that gets to freezing temperatures in the winter, use the warmer months to prepare! Insulate any exterior pipes and fixtures. Make sure your home is also properly insulated and remains at around 60 degrees, even if you are not home. If you plan to be away for an extended amount of time, winterize your pipes. Do not leave this to chance, otherwise it could lead to a very expensive disaster.

Get Regular Inspections

In the case of serious plumbing issues, it’s always best to hire a certified plumber. However, it’s even better to get a plumber BEFORE anything serious happens. Getting regular inspections from a trusted professional may seem unnecessary at first, but will save you more time, energy and money in the long run. If you’re having trouble finding someone, ask a friend for a recommendation!