H2bid Blog

Californians to Vote on Massive Funding for Water Infrastructure

This November of 2018 Proposition 3 will be voted on. It will provide over 9 billion dollars to the California economy for wastewater recycling, restoring watersheds and rivers, and groundwater storage. The Proposition promises to boost water supplies, offer flood protection and restore rivers and streams. In addition, it will fund new parks and hiking trails, adding to the recreational side of life in California.

It follows Proposition 68 which opened up funds for water infrastructure, among other things. This is not a surprising measure considering California’s focus on clean energy and natural resources.

More specifically, Proposition 3 would help repair broken irrigation canals throughout the state which has been made possible by the overwhelming support of farmers who have donated millions to see it happen. Further, the bond will restore wildlife habitats, garnering support from the Wildlife Foundation who spent close to a million on its campaign.

There is some opposition to the Proposition 3 component that will build or restore dam projects that may be harmful to the environment. Others are naysayers because it benefits large corporations’ agendas. But, all in all, it seems to be a positive move towards a more water-rich environment and economy for California.

Proposition 3 Comes At Much Needed Time

Considering the droughts that have plagued the state for years, this update to the water infrastructure and other components of water delivery will bring great relief to California residents. In fact, the residents will start to feel a little spoiled if the droughts are stayed and a lot less burdened if they aren’t. It is a positive move overall.

The droughts were followed by a series of floods that ravaged the water canals, watersheds and river basins. It has left quite a mess in some areas, as evidenced by pictures found on the Internet. While aesthetics are simply a by-product, restoring the beauty of nature’s water supply will also be an added benefit.
